KLE Dr. MSSCET’s Department of Civil Engineering organized a Talk on the eve of World Environment Day 2022.
Mr. Sameer Majali, founder of Green Saviours was the Guest Speaker.
Dr. M.Manjunath, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering welcomed the audience.
Mr. Sameer Majali elaborated on the importance of the theme “Only one Earth”. He stressed on planting trees to save Mother Earth. He motivated the students to plant more trees in urban areas to make city green. Mr. Sameer Majali shared his experience and explained ongoing plantation ideas which they are carrying out in the areas of Western Ghats.
Dr. Basavaraj Kategeri, Principal, KLE Dr. MSSCET, in his presidential address emphasized on the advantages of planting trees and explained about the Green initiatives adopted in the college campus.
To commemorate the World Environment Day 2022, Principal, Staff and Students along with the guest planted tree samplings in the campus.